Honestly, I tried to ignore the idea that I should arrive bearing gifts...but I also tried to put myself in Kathy's place. Yes, all her kids (sans one) would be there with her and that in itself is the most precious gift a mom can receive; but even so, I'd still want Christmas morning to be somewhat different than all other mornings. I finally settled on stockings filled with a mixture of goodies and necessities for the guys. Alyssa and a friend went shopping for them. I guess they figured all single 20ish aged guys need socks, gum, goldfish crackers and...oh, I can't even remember what else. Victoria and her friend Lily had been accumulating gift for Rebecca for months, so I knew she was already well taken care of.
I still found myself wanting to do something special for Beaver and Kathy. I asked around and no one who'd been to Haiti could offer me any direction. Being left to my own devices, I prayed. Novel thought, I know. Should have done it weeks before rather than on December 22, but there you have it: a perfect illustration of how I like to rely on my own wits rather than the voice of the Lord. Thankfully, I felt God whispering an idea, a Kindle. A Kindle? In a third world country? Would they want one? Is that just too much of a luxury item to own in a country where few can read and even fewer can afford to buy a book? Do they already have one?
I asked around. Victoria said Kathy owned a Kindle. Taylor, their son, said they didn't. I couldn't come up with anything better and so bought a new Kindle Touch and an Amazon gift card to get them started. My thinking was, shucks...even if they already have on Kindle, there's three readers in the family living in a country with no libraries. I despise sharing my Kindle so they, if they are as selfish as I am, probably would love to have another one too. I then told Patrick I had bought Beaver and Kathy a Kindle...sort of an "it's easier to ask forgiveness than get permission" kind of moment and so my Christmas shopping was complete.
Medical Supplies - a gift from Patrick's staff to take to the Brooks |