Friday, June 5, 2009

An Ill Wind

I've had blog posts swirling around in my head all week, yet haven't taken the time until right now to sit down and try to capture them with words. Just as I was at the point of inspiration, I received a message from someone via facebook. And everyone who has facebook knows, once you've logged in, you might as well check everyone's status. In doing so I came across this, which completely took the wind out of my blogging sail.


  1. Well, I don't care what they say Aunt Natalie...I value what you and others have to say, and I think it is a worthwhile endeavor even IF no one else in the world reads it. Consciously taking in the world around us and processing its impressions on us and our impressions on it is fact, I think I've finally decided on a blog title that has something to do with this line of thought. I'll spare you the details now... You can check it out when I post it if you are indeed one of the "few" that listens to my "little" bit to say...

  2. I believe there are more reading than admit:) I check in semi weekly - and that's more than we ever got the chance to share before this blog away and each time you do I learn a little bit more about you. And certainly feel much closer than I get to be right now! Love you! (and let me say, Hannah's blog = Me loving it!)

  3. Guilty as charged! But I love to read your blog!! Check my blog ... I have given you an award.

  4. Blog away, my friend! I love reading your posts. We can't let some mean-spirited person with a clipart subscription shut us down! Besides, if there are so many people putting their voices out there, then those of us who are supposed to be "shouting from the mountaintops" better redouble our efforts to be heard above the din of all that negative stuff!

  5. Never fear...I am unmoved by some naysayers attempt at humor...though I did laugh myself. I confess, this blog is morphing into something of a virtual scrapbook of our lives. Not exactly what I intended it to be, but it is what it is. Some day I'm hoping I'll be glad I did it, and maybe even the kids will be thankful for the snapshot of who we were, way back when. :-)
